Suicide Prevention

It may be uncomfortable to talk about suicide, but it is a situation that cannot be ignored. Refine Stabilization Center provides connections to resources, planning and training to begin the conversation.


It may be uncomfortable to talk about suicide, but it is a situation that cannot be ignored. Refine Stabilization Center provides connections to resources, planning and training to begin the conversation.

Warning Signs Of Suicide

Learn the warning signs and start the conversation to prevent suicide.

Warning Signs Of Suicide

Learn the warning signs and start the conversation to prevent suicide.
Severe Behavior Change
Withdrawing, isolating or sudden improvement of mood.
Family history of suicide or previous attempt.
Mental health or serious physical health issue.
Stress, access to means or loss.
Severe Behavioral Change
Withdrawing, isolating or sudden improvement of mood.
Historical Factor
Family history of suicide or previous attempt.
STEP 3Health Condition
Mental health or serious physical health issue.
Environmental Impact
Stress, access to means or loss.

How to Have
A Conversation

  • Asking about suicide will not plant the idea in someone’s head.
  • Ask directly… Are you thinking of killing yourself?
  • Talk about suicide as you would about any other health condition.
  • Listen and let the person know you care about them and want them to be safe.
Psychotherapy session, woman talking to his psychologist in the studio

Let Us Help You

Contact Us If You Need Assistance With Suicide Prevention.

Youth And Suicide

Learn the warning signs and start the conversation to prevent suicide with youth.
  • By asking directly about suicide, you are giving them a chance to talk about their thoughts and feelings.
  • Youth often do not reveal if a peer is thinking of suicide – tell them to find a trusted adult. There are some secrets one cannot keep.
  • Maintain a connection and prioritize safety.
  • Stay calm and do not leave the youth alone – find a supportive agency or adult who can help with resources.

Working together
for your better life

An article revealed a study where training alone was compared to life coaching combined with training. The study showed that training combined with weekly life coaching increased productivity.

I can’t believe you were able to guide us through this major life decision with just one month of coaching. So, thank you again for helping us see through the fog!


She listened to what we wanted to work on and tailored her techniques to our particular situation. She always suggested sensible and practical ways to tackle our issues, and they worked!


Her passion in life is sharing what she has learned to help you to do the same … if you are willing to listen, learn, and act! I know we wouldn’t be where we are today without her help.


National Suicide
Prevention Hotlines

If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, there are local and national confidential crisis lines accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week available to provide guidance to safety.
  • Teen Lifeline
    • 1-800-248-TEEN (8336)
  • The Trevor Project
    • 1-866-488-7386
      (Youth who identify as LGBTQIA+)
  • Safe Call Now
    • 206-459-3020
      (Support for First Responders)
  • Lifeline Options For Deaf + Hard of Hearing
    • For TTY Users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988.

Visit us anytime

We all know how life can be challenging and hard. And that there’s no answer always to all the issues you may face. We are here to help you.
7 Kings Rd, Portsmouth,
Southsea, PO5 4DJ, UK
Call us
+44 3069 990134
+44 3069 990135

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Visit us on social networks:

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Copyright by Refine Stabilization Center. All rights reserved. Designed by